0491 263 315
Feedback & Complaints
Alternatively, feedback, compliments and complaints can be lodged:
directly with a staff member, either verbally or by providing a completed Feedback, Compliments and Complaints Form;
by email to: care@superiorDC.com.au
by phone on: 0491 263 315
Your compliment or complaint will be formally acknowledged within 2 working days. We aim to respond to all complaints and grievances as quickly as possible, and within 28 working days from acknowledgement. If a complaint cannot be responded to in full within 28 days of acknowledgement, you will be provided with an update, which will include when a full response can be expected.
All feedback and complaints will be used by Superior Disability Care to continuously improve our service delivery.
Escalating Complaints
If you feel a complaint has not been sufficiently or appropriately addressed, you can seek further support from Superior Disabilities Directors, or alternatively through any of the following agencies:
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Online: www.ndiscommission.gov.au; and
Phone: 1800 035 544.
Australian Human Rights Commission
Phone: 1300 656 419; and
Online: www.humanrights.gov.au.
Queensland Ombudsman
Phone: 1800 068 908;
Online: www.ombudsman.qld.gov.au;
Post: GPO Box 3314, Brisbane QLD 4001.
Queensland Human Rights Commission (for complaints relating to human rights and discrimination):
Online: www.qhrc.qld.gov.au;
Phone: 1300 130 670;
Email: info@qhrc.qld.gov.au; and
Post: to a local office.